How to Log In
To make the first purchase you have to enter your name using the special procedure through the Login box. Until the recording is valid it's necessary to compile all the obligatory fields. The User Name must have a maximum length of 10 characters. Once you have send the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail where will be a link to visit to complete the recording stage. You can modify your person details (with the exception of Name and Surname) by the function [modify user profile]
at any moment.
Forgotten Password and/or Username
If you have forgot your password or Username it will be enough use the special button in the Login box.
You have to write the e-mail address which you have used when you have done the recording, so you will receive again your personal details for the access.
How To Order
To put something in order you have done the login to the website before. Each catalogue page and each card product has an option to add the articles to the shopping cart. During the visit it's possible check in real time the contents of the shopping cart on the special box on the right. When you have complete the article choise it's sufficient use the button
[order] to start the purchase procedure. When this procedure is finished you will receive a recapitulative e-mail of your order, informing you of your identify order (ID), the ordered articles, the total amount and the method of payment choise.
Putting In Order Quantity Of The Same Article
To put in order much more quantity of the same article you have to indicate the quantity that you want in the special field whether in the catalogue (near the description product) or in the product card. However it's possible change the quantity during the stage of order confirmation.
How To Modify An Order
It's possible remove an article from the own order in any moment using the icon
[removal of the product from the cart] in the shopping cart, or on stage of order confirmation using the button
[removal of the product from the shopping cart] corresponding to the product to remove. However it's possible change the quantity to put in order modifying the field "quantity" and updating the order with the button
[update the quantity].
How To Delete An Order
Each order is carried out when Terra dei Sensi by Lupi Simone receives the confirm of the payment. It's possibile to ask the annulment of the order only before you have made the payment writing to the address
Checking The Status Of The Order
To check the status of the order it's possible use the option [check orders] in the Login box, so you can enter to the page to list of the orders. To have access to the detail of each order you can click on its identify number (ID). If the dispatch had been made by carrier express or parcel rapid, in the order detail it's possible view its tracking number.
How To Receive Products At Another Address
It's possibile decide to deliver own orders to another address as to that indicated when you have recordered. During the confirmation procedure of the order will be possible indicate the new address in the special text box
[notes]. Attention: the address change will be valid only for the present order. If you have to change the address definitively, it will be necessary modify your personal details by
[change user profile] on login box.
Shipping Rates
Packing and shipping charges depend on the weigh and on the Country where the goods are send. You can take note of the recapitulatory table on the special page
Shipping Rates. We remind you that for cash on delivery it's foresaw an increase of €
The Shopping Cart Doesn't Accept The Products That You Want To Order
The purchase system of this site uses cookies to identify the user who are doing the procedure. If the browser used is planned to doesn't accept the cookies, the shopping cart can't be qualified. So, It's necessary qualify the cookies to go on.
How To Comment A Product
In the product card it's possible read the opinions of the other users to the article that you are visualizing. Moreover, it's possible make a own comment on condition that you are recorded and you have made the access to the system.
All prices are without VAT. Photos are only indicative and may change without any notice.
Reproduction even partial of material on this website is not allowed.